
What we do

Edible & NonEdible Oil/Crude

Discover Prizam Alliance's trading section dedicated to Edible and Non-Edible Oil/Crude, where quality and sustainability converge. We specialize in sourcing premium edible oils, ensuring the highest standards of purity for culinary delights. Additionally, our expertise extends to non-edible oils and crude derivatives, vital for various industrial applications. With a meticulous focus on quality assurance and ethical sourcing, we guarantee superior oils that cater to both kitchen tables and industrial needs. Partner with us for a reliable supply chain and oils that redefine freshness and quality.

  • Groundnut Oil
  • Soyabean Oil
  • Castor Oil
  • Palm Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Mustard & Rapeseed Oil

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Groundnut Oil

Groundnut Oil

Prizam Alliance trades high-quality groundnut oil derived from peanuts. Groundnut oil is known for its mild flavour and versatility in cooking. It's rich in monounsaturated fats and is a popular choice for frying, saut�ing, and baking due to its high smoke point.

Soyabean Oil

Soyabean Oil

Soybean oil, sourced and traded by Prizam Alliance, is a widely used cooking oil with a neutral taste. It is a versatile oil used in various culinary applications, including frying, baking, and salad dressings. Soybean oil is valued for its health benefits, being low in saturated fats and high in polyunsaturated fats.

Castor Oil

Castor Oil

Prizam Alliance deals in castor oil, which has both industrial and medicinal applications. Castor oil is derived from castor beans and is used in the manufacturing of soaps, lubricants, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products. It is also used as a natural remedy for various ailments.

Palm Oil

Palm Oil

Palm oil, traded by Prizam Alliance, is an edible vegetable oil widely used in the food industry. It is used in cooking, baking, and frying due to its high stability at high temperatures. Palm oil is also used in the production of a wide range of products, including margarine, soap, and biodiesel.

Sunflower Oil

Sunflower Oil

Prizam Alliance sources and trades sunflower oil, a popular edible oil known for its light flavour and high smoke point. It is used in cooking, frying, and baking. Sunflower oil is rich in vitamin E and low in saturated fats, making it a healthier option for consumers.

Mustard & Rapeseed Oil

Mustard & Rapeseed Oil

Mustard and rapeseed oil, traded by Prizam Alliance, are derived from mustard and rapeseed plants. These oils are commonly used in Indian and Asian cuisines for their distinctive flavours. They are used in cooking, especially for frying and seasoning, and are also valued for their potential health benefits, including omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.